SharePoint Outer Limits: SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 File Library List Limits

A Spooky Halloween Post for you…

Office 365 really has made some impact to how we look at setting limits to support larger files, more sites, larger videos, and more file types.   I felt it was important to revisit these classic file and folder restrictions. There appear to be so many random blog posts, KB articles, and TechNet articles, and MSDN articles. I decided I’d try to put the data all in one place.  Note this is subject to change, so be sure to verify anything you read here.

I highly recommend architects start planning for a minimum of 5GB My Sites and Sky Drive Pro.  We really need to start planning for 25GB SkyDrive Pro on-premises to compete with the improvements in the online services in order to compete with the online service.  If you’re going to do this… seriously consider external storage systems.  There are some great very cheap solutions.

Office 365 limits to SharePoint Online & SkyDrive Pro:

  • Single file upload: 2 GB and expanded support for a broader range of file types. (increased file upload limit from 250MB and is by default 50MB on-premises often increased by admins to 100 or 200MB)
  • # of total Site collections per tenant: 10,000 and list lookup threshold to 12 lookups. (was 3,000)
  • File retention: 90 day recycle bin retention duration with turning versioning on by default for new SkyDrive Pro libraries. (by default 30 days on-premises with versioning off)


“We just significantly increased the default SkyDrive Pro storage per user, from 7 GB to 25 GB, with the ability to further increase to 50 GB or 100 GB. To complement this, we’re also increasing the per file upload limit, from 250 MB to 2 GB. Users will now be able to upload and share larger files like CAD drawings, video files, larger project documents and more-both to their personal SkyDrive Pro and to team site document libraries. And it is possible to upload more than one file at a time via drag and drop, the standard file upload dialog box or via SkyDrive Pro Sync for Windows.”

SharePoint Online Blocked File Types

Blocked Files Updated:

SharePoint Online now accepts a broader range of file types, specifically .exe and .dll. See the list below.

Blocked file types for SharePoint Online Note this is a much smaller list than on-premises listed at the bottom of this post.

FYI: The updated 10/31/2013 reduced list of blocked file types cannot be changed for a SharePoint Online site.

.ashx ASP.NET Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that handle raw HTTP requests received by ASP.NET.
.asmx ASP.NET Web Services source file
.asp Active Server Pages
.aspq Active Server Pages
.axd ASP.NET source file
.cshtm ASP.NET web page
.chtml ASP.NET web page
.json JavaScript Object Notation file
.rem Blackberry Encrypted Data file
.shtm HTML file that contains server-side directives
.shtml HTML file that contains server-side directives
.soap Simple Object Access Protocol file
.stm HTML file that contains server-side directives
.svc Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) service file
.vbhtm ASP.NET Razor web page
.vbhtml ASP.NET Razor web page
.xamlx Visual Studio Workflow service file
Storage per user (contributes to total storage base of tenant) 500 megabytes (MB) per subscribed user.
Site collection quota limit Up to 100 GB per site collection.SharePoint admins can set storage limits for site collections and sites. The minimum storage allocation per site collection is 24MB.
Total available tenant storage 10 GB + 500 MB per user.For example, if you have 10 users, the base storage allocation is 15 GB (10 GB + 500 MB * 10 users).Up to a maximum of 100 GB. Additional storage for Small Business plans is not yet available.
Personal site storage 25 GB per user, as soon as provisioned.This amount is counted separately, and does not add to or subtract from the overall storage allocation for a tenant. Personal site storage applies to a user’s SkyDrive Pro library and personal newsfeed. For more information, see Additional information about SkyDrive Pro limits.
Public Website storage default 5 GBA SharePoint admin can allocate up to 100 GB (the limit for a site collection).
File upload limit 2 GB per file.
Number of users 1 – 25 users
Maximum number of external users invitees Up to 500 unique external users in the directory (external users who have accepted sharing invitations).What is an external user?

“When reviewing the information on the previous table, remember that the base storage limits for Office 365 for Small Business (10 GB + 500 MB per subscribed user) will affect some of these values. For example, although SharePoint Online for Small Business imposes a limit of 100 GB per site collection, your particular tenant might not have enough storage available to contain a site collection of 100 GB.”

Site, Folder and File Name Restrictions

KB Article 905231 I’ve added some additional symbols and recommendations.

  • Site Names
    • Not Allowed: | # { } % & <TAB>” ~ + / : * ? ” < >
    • Avoid starting sites with an underscore (_) or with the period character.
    • Site names can cause confusion and corruption if they have periods, apostrophes or commas
    • They should not have consecutive periods or end with a period.
      • You cannot use the period character at the end of a site name
    • Many other symbols are not recommended such as $^()-_=+[]`! (other international currency symbols and international symbols should be avoided in site names, but some are more acceptable in file names. Ascii is preferred when possible.
  • Folder Names and File Names
    • Do not use: ” # % & * : < > ? / { | } ~
    • File names cannot be longer than 128 characters
    • Do not use the period character consecutively in the middle of a file name.  For example, “” is invalid.
    • You cannot use the period character at the end of a file name
    • You cannot start a file name with the period character
    • Many other symbols are not recommended such as $^()-_=+[]`! (other international currency symbols and international symbols should be avoided in site names, but some are more acceptable in file names. Ascii is preferred when possible.
  • In addition, file names and folder names may not end with: (Many of these are international symbols)
    • .files, _files , -Dateien , _fichiers , _bestanden , _file ,_archivos ,-filer,_tiedostot ,_pliki ,_soubory ,_elemei , _arquivos ,_dosyalar ,_datoteke ,_fitxers,_fails ,_bylos ,_fajlovi,_fitxategiak

Examples of Legal File Names

  • AllItems.docx
  • Dept_1234.doc
  • Long.Name.With.Dots.txt

Examples of Illegal Site Names

  • Intranet/sites/People & Process
  • Intranet/sites/My Math is 10% Here
  • Intranet/sites/_foobar
  • Intranet/sites/#FAIL
  • Intranet/sites/Jimmy+Bean

Examples of illegal file names:

  • HailCæsar.wav.
  • Wow…BadStuff.txt
  • 揵.htm
  • Roger&Hamerstein.mp3
  • WhatsUp?.doc

Note that windows may let you save filenames that SharePoint won’t support uploading. Sometimes you’re even allowed to upload it through the explorer view, and it will block you from the web interface.  If a file that’s uploaded prior to the file extension being blocked you will be unable to download the file.

File and Folder name lengths

  • Link list items are restricted to 256 characters and will truncate links to SharePoint documents (or anything else) with lengths longer than this.
  • When storing files the structure and files (entire path including sites, folders, and file name) cannot add up to more than 260 characters or they will see an error message or form validation error with the explanation around the URL length.

When using multi file upload interface: Make sure the total size of all your files is not greater than the upload limit set for your web application.

NOTE: This is now different for SharePoint 2013/SharePoint Online.  Now you can drag and drop many files over the limit.  The interface may time out, and a page refresh should reflect what was upgraded.  A failure may or may not display depending on the interface timeout.

File Size Maximums

Max File Size Default: 50MB Maximum setting: 2GB (per file NOTE: 2GB is the new SkyDrive Pro limit)

List data: Max of 8kb of data

200 MB is what I recommend for most typical environments as a great compromise, but don’t recommend more than 500MB for most environments without External or Remote Blob storage.

(If you set it to 0 or 2047 MB, it will be the same as 2GB file.) Realistically a few hundred MB is really all you can get, unless you have fast LAN access. MS is now supporting 2GB.  Be sure to do some testing before setting this as the limit in your on-premises environment.

NOTE: I understand that even if you use RBS or Remote Blob Storage and most third parties, you still can’t support files over 2GB, but you’ll have to check with your vendor.


Each Web Application contains a list of blocked file types that is based on file name extensions. For example, you can block files that have the .exe extension. By default, many file types are blocked, including file types that are treated as executable by Internet Explorer. Files, whose names include braces, (for example, filename.{doc}) are also blocked by default.

Blocked File Types SharePoint 2013

Here are a few file types I typically remove from the blocked file list below: URL, LNK, CHM, HLP (if you want you can make the blocked list consistent with the online list)

I often add .MP3, PST, OST, and sometimes MP4. Some will add .ZIP, but I recommend allowing the .zip, arj, rar, etc… file as a common mechanism for compressing lots of files into a single file.

On-Premises SharePoint 2013 Blocked File Types

File name extension File type
.ade Microsoft Access project extension
.adp Microsoft Access project
.app Application file
.asa ASP declarations file
.ashx ASP.NET Web handler file. Web handlers are software modules that handle raw HTTP requests received by ASP.NET.
.asmx ASP.NET Web Services source file
.asp Active Server Pages
.bas Microsoft Visual Basic class module
.bat Batch file
.cdx Compound index
.cer Certificate file
.chm Compiled HTML Help file
.class Java class file
.cmd Windows NT command script
.com Microsoft MS-DOS program
.config Configuration file
.cpl Control Panel extension
.crt Security certificate
.csh Script file
.dll Windows dynamic-link library
.exe Program
.fxp Microsoft Visual FoxPro compiled program
.hlp Help file
.hta HTML program
.htr Script file
.htw HTML document
.ida Internet Information Services file
.idc Internet database connector file
.idq Internet data query file
.ins Internet Naming Service
.isp Internet Communication settings
.its Internet Document Set file
.jse JScript Encoded script file
.ksh Korn Shell script file
.lnk Shortcut
.mad Shortcut
.maf Shortcut
.mag Shortcut
.mam Shortcut
.maq Shortcut
.mar Shortcut
.mas Microsoft Access stored procedure
.mat Shortcut
.mau Shortcut
.mav Shortcut
.maw Shortcut
.mda Microsoft Access add-in program
.mdb Microsoft Access program
.mde Microsoft Access MDE database
.mdt Microsoft Access data file
.mdw Microsoft Access workgroup
.mdz Microsoft Access wizard program
.msc Microsoft Common Console document
.msh Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1 Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh1xml Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2 Microsoft Agent script helper
.msh2xml Microsoft Agent script helper
.mshxml Microsoft Agent script helper
.msi Windows Installer package
.msp Windows Installer update package file
.mst Visual Test source files
.ops Microsoft Office profile settings file
.pcd Photo CD image or Microsoft Visual Test compiled script
.pif Shortcut to MS-DOS program
.prf System file
.prg Program source file
.printer Printer file
.pst Microsoft Outlook personal folder file
.reg Registration entries
.rem ACT! database maintenance file
.scf Windows Explorer command file
.scr Screen saver
.sct Script file
.shb Windows shortcut
.shs Shell Scrap object
.shtm HTML file that contains server-side directives
.shtml HTML file that contains server-side directives
.soap Simple Object Access Protocol file
.stm HTML file that contains server-side directives
.url Uniform Resource Locator (Internet shortcut)
.vb Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition file
.vbe VBScript Encoded Script file
.vbs VBScript file
.ws Windows Script file
.wsc Windows Script Component
.wsf Windows Script file
.wsh Windows Script Host settings file

18 Comments on “SharePoint Outer Limits: SharePoint 2013 & Office 365 File Library List Limits

  1. Pingback: SharePoint 2013 and Office 365 SharePoint Online File Size Limits On Folders and List Restrictions - SharePoint Experts - Bamboo Nation

  2. Hello,

    Is it possible in sharepoint 2010 define a maximum limit per sub-site (areas).
    I have the page divided by services, where each service is an area with certain contributors.
    I wanted set a maximum load of documents for each specific area, to act as the shared folders on a local server.

    Thank response. Thank you.

    • There are no quotas in subsites that will allow you to configure maximums. There are some maximum limits for display, but not blocking uploads (except for size of documents.)

  3. I was wondering – is there a maximum number of folders you can have in a Document Library in SharePoint 2013. I checked the “limits” lists on TechNet for 2013 but did not see any specifics? Are folders treated as a list / file instance even if they do not have content within them? Also, is using folders a good way to get out of “view” limits? Thank you.

    • We use to say maximum of 2000 folders as well, but you won’t see much written about folders as more and more people are trying NOT to use folders and instead use metadata and filtering. Folders can reduce the amount of items in a view. I think 2000 max is still a decent recommendation, but if you can, try to eliminate folders or limit them and try to move to filtered views.

  4. Pingback: Collab Show 5 Reasons SkyDrive Pro on Office 365 is better than Yours - Collab Show

  5. Can you explain this further?
    “When storing files the structure and files (entire path including sites, folders, and file name) cannot add up to more than 260 characters or they will see an error message or form validation error with the explanation around the URL length.”

    Within my Document library, i have folder “Software” (8char), then another folder within “projects” (8char), finally a file within “ECM” (3char). does this mean ECM will be pegged as having 8+8+3= 19 characters? instead of just 3.

    • Anything that ends up in the URL can add to the max number of characters. Avoid using folders and instead use filters when possible.

  6. Can you explain this further?
    “When storing files the structure and files (entire path including sites, folders, and file name) cannot add up to more than 260 characters or they will see an error message or form validation error with the explanation around the URL length.”

    Within my Document library, i have folder “Software” (8char), then another folder within “projects” (8char), finally a file within “ECM” (3char). does this mean ECM will be pegged as having 8+8+3= 19 characters? instead of just 3.

    Also, does it include the site name, subsite name, doc library name?

    • folders within folders does make a difference, so does the name of the document library. You can count up the number actually in the address bar. Once you reach 260 characters you’ll start to see problems. Using metadata is the preferred method.

  7. Pingback: SharePoint 2013 Development & Performance » OneDrive for Business (formerly SkyDrive Pro) File Size, Number, Type & Character Limits and Restrictions

  8. Pingback: 10 Strategy Considerations for SharePoint 2013 Upgrade You’re likely to Miss -

  9. Why does a corporate user require 25Gb of My Site storage (or even 25Mb for that matter)? Providing this is like giving up on recycling and throwing everything in the landfill, forever.
    As an information management practitioner, I don’t want SharePoint to be a drop box!

    • Interesting. I say this spells the end to file shares, but I see your point of not wanting a place where people can dump things. I see it as personal storage, and a place where people can decide what to do with things they are collecting. In many cases I do want OneDrive to be that place where people would use it rather than dumping it on a hard drive or trying to share it outside the company on dropbox. OneDrive should be trying to compete with Dropbox in my mind.

  10. Hey Everyone. Hope all is well. Does anyone know anything about SharePoint printing? My company has put me in charge of a project that incorporates SharePoint printing. Can anyone shed some light on this topic?

  11. Can we upload .msg (mail message) and .zip files on SharePoint 2013? If yes, does it require a change of code or can we upload the file directly?
    Also, if a .msg or .zip file is uploaded, will it and the files within the zip folder appear in the file name search results?

    Request for an urgent reply.

    • Blocked file types are controlled by your SharePoint Admin at the webapp level. I believe in Office 365 they aren’t blocking zip or msg. yes filenames are indexed.

  12. I was wondering if you ever thought of changing
    the structure of your site? Its very well written; I love what youve got to say.
    But maybe you could a little more in the way of
    content so people could connect with it better. Youve got an awful
    lot of text for only having 1 or two images. Maybe you could
    space it out better?

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